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Privacy Policy


  • FAM Collective (“FAM,” “we,” “us,” or “our”)  the owner of the website complies with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (the Act) when dealing with personal information. Personal information is information about an identifiable individual (a natural person) (Personal Information)
  • This policy (the Privacy Policy) sets out how we will collect, use, disclose and protect your Personal Information. It applies to all users of FAM. By viewing and using FAM you will be deemed to agree to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please stop using FAM
  • This Privacy Policy does not limit or exclude any of your rights under the Act.  If you wish to seek further information on the Act, see
  • Where a defined term is used in this Privacy Policy but that term is not defined in this Privacy Policy, then such term will have the meaning set out in the Buyer Terms and Seller Terms.


  • We may change this Privacy Policy by uploading a revised policy onto our website.  The change will apply from the date that we upload the revised policy. Please check back frequently to view any updates or changes to this policy.
  • This Privacy Policy was last updated on 13/03/2022


  • FAM can be viewed without the need for you to disclose any Personal Information.
  • If you wish to become a registered member on FAM, you must complete the online registration form which requires you to disclose a limited amount of Personal Information.
    • We may collect, store and use the following types of information:
    • Personal Information provided by you, including your name, address, email address, phone number and any other personal information that you provide to us through your dealings with us; and
    • Aggregate technical information, including, but not limited to, the IP address used to connect your computer or other device to the Internet, operating systems and platforms, pages you viewed or searched for, page response types, download errors, length of visits on certain pages, page interaction information, and any other such technical information relating to your use of FAM (Technical Information).
    • We collect information, including Personal Information about you, from:
      • you, when you provide that information to us, through the registration process, through any contact with us (e.g. telephone call or email), or when you buy or sell products or services through FAM
      • third parties where you have authorised this or the information is publicly available; and
      • our systems and cookies (see clause 9 below), which track user traffic to FAM. If possible, we will collect Personal Information from you directly.
    • You are under no obligation to provide your Personal Information to us when we request it.  However, if you choose to withhold requested information, we may not be able to provide you with certain services or functionality.
    • You can stop the collection of your Personal Information by cancelling your account, or by ceasing to use FAM.


    • We will use your Personal Information:
      • to contact you when necessary, including:
        • to enable you to access and use FAM;
        • to send periodic emails you have subscribed to through your nominated email address;
        • as part of the transaction process when you buy or sell a Product or Service via FAM;
        • to respond to any queries or comments you have sent to us; and
        • to investigate any complaints relating to the misuse of FAM or its functionality;
      • to verify your identity and assist you if you forget your password or login details;
      • to monitor, develop and improve FAM and ensure that content on FAM is relevant, of interest to you and presented in the most effective manner for you;
      • to update and maintain our records, including details of people that have accessed our systems;
      • to assist you in providing FAM and the Services and Products to you;
      • to ensure you are using FAM safely and for its intended purpose; and
      • for any other purpose you authorise.
    • We do not collect your credit card details to process your payment or for customer service purposes. 
    • We may use your information to display interest-based ads for features, products, and services that may be of interest to you.  We use the Technical Information we gather,  such as information about your interactions with FAM or related services.  We do not use information that personally identifies you to display interest-based ads such as your name or email address.


    • We may disclose your Personal Information to:
      • Another company within our group;
      • our service providers, including any business that:
        • supports our services and products, including any person that hosts or maintains any underlying IT system or data centre that we use to provide the website, or other services and products. If a business like this needs to access information about you to perform services on our behalf, they do so under instruction from us, including abiding by policies and procedures designed to protect your Personal Information; or
        • Processes payments on our behalf, such as Paypal;
      • a credit reference agency for the purpose of credit checking you (if relevant);
      • a third party, if we believe that sharing is reasonably necessary to:
        • comply with applicable law, regulations, legal processes or governmental or law enforcement agency requests, including to meet national security requirements, and our service providers may also do this;
        • enforce our agreements, policies and terms;
        • protect the intellectual property rights of any person;
        • protect the security or integrity of FAM and our related products and services; or
        • protect us, you or the public from harm or illegal activities.
      • a potential purchaser of our business. In the event we propose to sell the business or any of our assets, we may provide your Personal Information as part of a database to a prospective buyer solely so that they can consider the purchase of the business. Should we proceed to sell the business (or a material part of it) we may provide your Personal Information as part of that sale so that the purchaser can continue to operate the business; and
      • any other person authorised by you.
    • A business that supports our services and products may be located outside New Zealand.  This may mean your Personal Information is held and processed outside New Zealand. We will ensure those businesses are subject to procedures designed to protect your Personal Information in a manner that is comparable with the Act.
    • We may also share information about your use of the website with our trusted social media, advertising and analytics partners through the use of cookies, web beacons and similar storage technologies. Anonymised information (including statistical information) may also be shared with those partners or another third party.
    • When you purchase Products or Services through FAM, the seller will receive Personal Information (e.g. your name and address) as necessary for the seller to provide the Products and/or Services to you.  Sellers do not receive your credit card details.


    • We will take reasonable steps to keep your Personal Information safe from loss, unauthorised activity, or other misuse.
    • You can play an important role in keeping your Personal Information secure by maintaining the confidentiality of any password and accounts used in relation to our products and services.  Please notify us immediately if there is any unauthorised use of your account or any other breach of security.


    • Subject to certain grounds for refusal set out in the Act, you have the right to access your readily retrievable Personal Information that we hold and to request a correction to your Personal Information.  Before you exercise this right, we will need evidence to confirm that you are the individual to whom the Personal Information relates.
    • In respect of a request for correction, if we think the correction is reasonable and we are reasonably able to change the Personal Information, we will make the correction. If we do not make the correction, we will take reasonable steps to note the correction sought to your Personal Information.
    • If you want to exercise either of the above rights, email us at [email protected]. Your email should provide evidence of who you are and set out the details of your request (e.g. the Personal Information, or the correction, that you are requesting). We may contact you to ask you for further information in relation to your request to speed up our response.
    • You will not usually have to pay a fee to access your Personal Information (or to exercise any of your other rights). We may charge you our reasonable costs of providing to you copies of your Personal Information or correcting that information where this is permitted by law if your request is clearly unfounded, repetitive or excessive.


    • While we take reasonable steps to maintain secure internet connections, if you provide us with Personal Information over the internet, the provision of that information is at your own risk.
    • FAM may contain links to other websites. The inclusion of a link to another website does not imply our endorsement of that linked website or any association by us with their business or owners. If you follow a link on our website to another site, the owner of that site will have its own privacy policy/cookie usage policies relating to your personal information.  We suggest you review that site’s privacy policy before you provide personal information to that third party.


    • We use cookies (an alphanumeric identifier that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive so that we can recognise your browser) and other related technologies to monitor your use of the website and our services. The cookies will not be connected to your name.
    • We may use the information generated by cookies and other related technologies to:
      • track traffic patterns to and from FAM including information like the pages you visit, the time you spend on each page, the date and time of your visit, and referring pages (pages you came from or go to);
      • ensure any content (which may include any advertising) is being shown to the most appropriate person; 
      • enable you to enter FAM and use certain services without having to log on each time; and
      • enable us and our social media, advertising and analytics partners to serve targeted advertising to you (on FAM and elsewhere).
    • The browsers of most computers, smartphones and other web-enabled devices are usually set up to accept cookies. If your browser preferences allow it, you can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when cookies are set. Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn about how to change your cookie preferences. Please remember that cookies are often used to enable and improve certain functions on FAM. If you disable cookies by changing the settings on your browser, this may mean that you cannot use all of the features of our website or our services.


    • We use Google Analytics website measurement software and systems to assist in tracking traffic patterns to and from FAM, aggregating anonymous Technical Information about visits to FAM, and randomly and anonymously surveying users of FAM. The system is used to collect information on our network such as the number of page views, the number of unique visitors, how long these visitors spend on FAM when they do visit, and common entry and exit points into and from FAM. This non-personal information is aggregated using Google Analytics and then used by us in our analysis of FAM. The Google Analytics data is also accessible by media organisations and research companies for the purpose of conducting industry comparisons with other websites. All our pages are coded with a small piece of Google Analytics code that is transparent to you when you read that page. The software stores a cookie in your browser (if you have enabled cookies) which contains a unique identifier to allow us to track the number of unique visitors to FAM. This information is collected and aggregated by Google Analytics and in no way can you be identified personally and no Personal Information is stored about you. For details of Google Analytics’ privacy policy, click here.


    • If our intended collection, use or disclosure of your Personal Information is outside the collection, use or disclosure set out in this Privacy Policy we will give you the option to:
      • opt out and not receive certain services or participate in certain interactive areas; or 
      • opt in to agree to be contacted by us in relation to certain matters such as notification of new features to FAM and/or promotional activities.
    • Unsubscribe: You may opt out of receiving certain types of communications from us by utilising the unsubscribe function in communications sent to you. Any emails we send will also always contain a link at the bottom enabling you to edit your email setting or be removed from our general mailing list, we may still send you emails where it is necessary to provide you with details of any transactions you have completed via FAM, or changes to our services or the way your account or FAM is to operate.


    • If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, our privacy practices, or if you would like to request access to, or correction of, your Personal Information, you can contact us here [email protected]


    • If you are not satisfied with our response to any privacy-related concern you may have, you can contact the Privacy Commissioner:
      • Mailing address: Office of the Privacy Commissioner, PO Box 10-094, Wellington 6143, New Zealand, Phone: +64 4 474 7590
      • Enquiries Line: 0800 803 909
      • Email: [email protected]